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1   /*
2    *
3    *
4    * Created on 12. Mai 2007, 15:51
5    *
6    * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
7    * and open the template in the editor.
8    */
10  package ch.braincell.stickbackup.config;
12  import java.awt.Color;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import java.util.Properties;
20  import;
22  /***
23   * 
24   * @author Andreas Studer
25   */
26  public class Config {
28  	protected static final String sourceDir = "ch.braincell.stickbackup.sourcedir";
30  	protected static final String sourceDrive = "ch.braincell.stickbackup.sourcedrive";
32  	protected static final String sourceSearchDrive = "";
34  	protected static final String destinationDir = "ch.braincell.stickbackup.backupdir";
36  	protected static final String destinationDrive = "ch.braincell.stickbackup.backupdrive";
38  	protected static final String destinationSearchDrive = "";
40  	protected static final String sourceColor = "ch.braincell.stickbackup.color.source";
42  	protected static final int defaultSourceColor = 0x00AA00;
44  	protected static final String destinationColor = "ch.braincell.stickbackup.color.destination";
46  	protected static final int defaultDestinationColor = 0x0000AA;
48  	protected static final String changedColor = "ch.braincell.stickbackup.color.changed";
50  	protected static final int defaultChangedColor = 0xAAAA00;
52  	protected static final String workingColor = "ch.braincell.stickbackup.color.working";
54  	protected static final int defaultWorkingColor = 0xAA0000;
56  	protected static final String finishedColor = "ch.braincell.stickbackup.color.finished";
58  	protected static final int defaultFinishedColor = 0xCCCCCC;
60  	private Properties prop = new Properties();
62  	File propfile = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.stickbackup");
64  	protected static Config config = null;
66  	/*** Creates a new instance of Config */
67  	protected Config() {
68  	}
70  	/***
71  	 * Singleton-pattern: get an instance of Config.
72  	 * 
73  	 * @return the instance of Config.
74  	 */
75  	public static Config getInstance() {
76  		if (config == null) {
77  			config = new Config();
78  			try {
79  				config.load();
80  			} catch (IOException ex) {
81  				throw new ConfigException(
82  						"Config initialization loading failed", ex);
83  			}
84  		}
85  		return config;
86  	}
88  	/***
89  	 * Load configuration from disk.
90  	 * 
91  	 * @throws IOException
92  	 */
93  	public void load() throws IOException {
94  		if (propfile.exists()) {
95  			prop.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream(propfile));
96  		} else {
97  			save();
98  		}
99  	}
101 	/***
102 	 * Save the configuration to the disk.
103 	 * 
104 	 * @throws IOException
105 	 */
106 	public void save() throws IOException {
107 		prop.storeToXML(new FileOutputStream(propfile), "Saved config from "
108 				+ Config.class.getName());
109 	}
111 	/***
112 	 * Tests if the system is a Microsoft Windows system.
113 	 * 
114 	 * @return true if it is windows, false otherwise.
115 	 */
116 	public boolean isWindows() {
117 		return System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("windows");
118 	}
120 	/***
121 	 * Get the source directory.
122 	 * 
123 	 * @return the source directory.
124 	 */
125 	public File getSourceDir() {
126 		return getCorrectDrive(sourceDir, sourceDrive, isSourceDriveSearch());
127 	}
129 	/***
130 	 * Sets the source directory.
131 	 * 
132 	 * @param stickDir
133 	 *            sets the source directory.
134 	 */
135 	public void setSourceDir(File stickDir) {
136 		prop.setProperty(sourceDir, stickDir.getAbsolutePath());
137 		prop.setProperty(sourceDrive, getWindowsDrive(stickDir));
138 	}
140 	/***
141 	 * Flag to switch source drive name search on or off.
142 	 * 
143 	 * @return true if it should search the drive name sensitive, false if the
144 	 *         drive letter should be used.
145 	 */
146 	public boolean isSourceDriveSearch() {
147 		return prop.getProperty(sourceSearchDrive, "false").equals("true") ? true
148 				: false;
149 	}
151 	/***
152 	 * Flag to set source drive name search on or off.
153 	 * 
154 	 * @param search
155 	 *            set true if the drive should be searched by name, false
156 	 *            otherwise.
157 	 */
158 	public void setSourceDriveSearch(boolean search) {
159 		prop.setProperty(sourceSearchDrive, search ? "true" : "false");
160 	}
162 	/***
163 	 * Get the destination directory.
164 	 * 
165 	 * @return the deatination directory.
166 	 */
167 	public File getDestinationDir() {
168 		return getCorrectDrive(destinationDir, destinationDrive,
169 				isDestinationDriveSearch());
170 	}
172 	/***
173 	 * Sets the destination directory.
174 	 * 
175 	 * @param stickDir
176 	 *            sets the destination directory.
177 	 */
178 	public void setDestinationDir(File backupDir) {
179 		prop.setProperty(destinationDir, backupDir.getAbsolutePath());
180 		prop.setProperty(destinationDrive, getWindowsDrive(backupDir));
181 	}
183 	/***
184 	 * Flag to switch destination drive name search on or off.
185 	 * 
186 	 * @return true if it should search the drive name sensitive, false if the
187 	 *         drive letter should be used.
188 	 */
189 	public boolean isDestinationDriveSearch() {
190 		return prop.getProperty(destinationSearchDrive, "false").equals("true") ? true
191 				: false;
192 	}
194 	/***
195 	 * Flag to set destination drive name search on or off.
196 	 * 
197 	 * @param search
198 	 *            set true if the drive should be searched by name, false
199 	 *            otherwise.
200 	 */
201 	public void setDestinationDriveSearch(boolean search) {
202 		prop.setProperty(destinationSearchDrive, search ? "true" : "false");
203 	}
205 	/***
206 	 * Get the color of new source files and directories.
207 	 * 
208 	 * @return color for new files.
209 	 */
210 	public Color getSourceColor() {
211 		return new Color(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(sourceColor, String
212 				.valueOf(defaultSourceColor))));
213 	}
215 	/***
216 	 * Sets the color for new source files.
217 	 * 
218 	 * @param color
219 	 *            color for new files.
220 	 */
221 	public void setSourceColor(Color color) {
222 		prop.setProperty(sourceColor, String.valueOf(color.getRGB()));
223 	}
225 	/***
226 	 * Get the color of destination files and directories to archive.
227 	 * 
228 	 * @return color for archiving files.
229 	 */
230 	public Color getDestinationColor() {
231 		return new Color(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(destinationColor,
232 				String.valueOf(defaultDestinationColor))));
233 	}
235 	/***
236 	 * Set the color of destination files and directories to archive.
237 	 * 
238 	 * @param color
239 	 *            color for archiving files.
240 	 */
241 	public void setDestinationColor(Color color) {
242 		prop.setProperty(destinationColor, String.valueOf(color.getRGB()));
243 	}
245 	/***
246 	 * Get the color of changed files and directories.
247 	 * 
248 	 * @return color for changed files.
249 	 */
250 	public Color getChangedColor() {
251 		return new Color(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(changedColor, String
252 				.valueOf(defaultChangedColor))));
253 	}
255 	/***
256 	 * Set the color of changed files and directories.
257 	 * 
258 	 * @param color
259 	 *            color for changed files.
260 	 */
261 	public void setChangedColor(Color color) {
262 		prop.setProperty(changedColor, String.valueOf(color.getRGB()));
263 	}
265 	/***
266 	 * Get the color for files and directories on which the process is working
267 	 * on.
268 	 * 
269 	 * @return color for "working on" files.
270 	 */
271 	public Color getWorkingColor() {
272 		return new Color(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(workingColor, String
273 				.valueOf(defaultWorkingColor))));
274 	}
276 	/***
277 	 * Set the color for files and directories on which the process is working
278 	 * on.
279 	 * 
280 	 * @param color
281 	 *            color for "working on" files.
282 	 */
283 	public void setWorkingColor(Color color) {
284 		prop.setProperty(workingColor, String.valueOf(color.getRGB()));
285 	}
287 	/***
288 	 * Gets the color for finished files and direcories.
289 	 * 
290 	 * @return color for finished files.
291 	 */
292 	public Color getFinishedColor() {
293 		return new Color(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(finishedColor,
294 				String.valueOf(defaultFinishedColor))));
295 	}
297 	/***
298 	 * Sets the color for finished files and direcories.
299 	 * 
300 	 * @param color
301 	 *            color for finished files.
302 	 */
303 	public void setFinishedColor(Color color) {
304 		prop.setProperty(finishedColor, String.valueOf(color.getRGB()));
305 	}
307 	/***
308 	 * Gets the name of the drive of this file or directory.
309 	 * 
310 	 * @param file
311 	 *            the file or directory to look at.
312 	 * @return the name of the drive.
313 	 */
314 	private String getWindowsDrive(File file) {
315 		String result = null;
316 		if (isWindows()) {
317 			try {
318 				String drive = file.getAbsolutePath().substring(0, 3);
319 				result = ShellFolder.getShellFolder(new File(drive))
320 						.getDisplayName();
321 			} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
322 				// TODO: log.warn("Exception on getting Windows drive", e);
323 			}
324 		}
325 		return result;
326 	}
328 	/***
329 	 * Searches the letter of the drive with the name and returns the directory /
330 	 * file with the matching drive name. 
331 	 * TODO: Test if name of drive is more than once there...
332 	 * 
333 	 * @param dirkey
334 	 *            configured key of the directory (search or destination)
335 	 * @param drivekey
336 	 *            configured key of drive name to search.
337 	 * @param searchkey
338 	 *            true if it should search the drive letter with the drive name,
339 	 *            false otherwise.
340 	 * @return
341 	 */
342 	private File getCorrectDrive(String dirkey, String drivekey,
343 			boolean searchkey) {
344 		String drivename = null;
345 		String absolutepath = prop.getProperty(dirkey, getDefaultDirectory());
346 		String property = prop.getProperty(drivekey, getWindowsDrive(new File(
347 				getDefaultDirectory())));
348 		if (searchkey && isWindows() && null != property) {
349 			try {
350 				drivename = ShellFolder.getShellFolder(
351 						new File(absolutepath.substring(0, 3)))
352 						.getDisplayName();
353 				if (drivename.equals(property))
354 					return new File(absolutepath);
355 			} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
356 				// This usually means the stick got a different letter
357 				// so do nothing...
358 				// TODO: log.warn("Configured drive " + absolutepath + " not
359 				// available.", e);
360 			}
361 			property = property.substring(0, property.indexOf('('));
362 			for (File drive : ShellFolder.listRoots()) {
363 				try {
364 					drivename = ShellFolder.getShellFolder(drive)
365 							.getDisplayName();
366 					drivename = drivename.substring(0, drivename.indexOf('('));
367 					if (drivename.equals(property)) {
368 						prop.setProperty(drivekey, getWindowsDrive(drive));
369 						prop.setProperty(dirkey, drive.getAbsolutePath()
370 								+ absolutepath.substring(3));
371 						save();
372 						return new File(prop.getProperty(dirkey));
373 					}
374 				} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
375 					// This usually happens if this drive is not available.
376 					// so do nothing...
377 					// TODO: log.warn("Drive " + drive + " not available: ", e);
378 				} catch (IOException e) {
379 					throw new ConfigException("Config saving failed.", e);
380 				}
381 			}
382 		}
383 		return new File(absolutepath);
384 	}
386 	/***
387 	 * Gets the home directory of the user as the default directory if no
388 	 * directory is set.
389 	 * 
390 	 * @return default directory (user home).
391 	 */
392 	private String getDefaultDirectory() {
393 		return System.getProperty("user.home");
394 	}
395 }